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Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria (RSD) in ADHD with Dr. Dodson


RSD in ADHD is experienced in episodes beginning with the perception of rejection, which demonstrates rejection sensitivity, and this progresses into an instantaneous dysphoric mood, which causes significant distress and impairment.

(Dr. Dodson’s concept)

We have changed the name in our clinical research from Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria to Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria (RSD) as this is in line with the term rejection sensitivity, which is a term in clinical research and the DSM.

1. We are conducting a survey study on Qualtrics through UMB to validate the concept and a related questionnaire, as well as several other questionnaires related to concepts in psychopathology and personality. (Drs. Modestino and Dodson, Handan Titiz-CeritoÄŸlu, and Basel Zayed) Link to research


2. We have submitted a case series of RSD in patients with ADHD for publication. (Drs. Dodson and Modestino, Handan Titiz-CeritoÄŸlu, and Basel Zayed)


3. We have published an editorial about the psychopharmacological treatment of RSD. (Drs. Dodson and Modestino) 


  • Dodson, W.W., & Modestino, E.J. (2024). Have we placed the cart before the horse by using alpha-2A agonists to treat rejection sensitivity dysphoria in ADHD? Current Psychopharmacology, e050424228696.  DOI: 10.2174/0122115560297397240404071044


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