Cognitive Neuroscience of Executive Functioning

Sustained Visual Attention (vigilance, wakefulness) measured using a version of the psychomotor vigilance task and fMRI

Cognitive Neuroscience of Sustained Visual Attention: M.Phil. Thesis Research at PENN
SPM96 Parametric Design Matrix
Activation in medial frontal lobe, BAs 9 and 10
M.Phil. Thesis: "Sustained Visual Attention Studied with Echoplanar Functional MRI and Parametric Analysis"
Conference Poster: Modestino, E.J., Liu, G.T., Miki, A., Doran, S.M., Aleman, D., Dobre, C., Yu, J., Hunter, J.V. & Haselgrove, J.C. (2000) Sustained Visual Attention Studied with Echoplanar Functional MRI and Parametric Analysis. The Fourth Annual Vision Research Conference: Functional Brain Imaging in Vision Abstract Book: 149. Elsevier Science/Vision Research, Oxford, U.K.

Cognitive Neuroscience of Covert Attentional Shifting: Ph.D. Dissertation Research at FAU
Ph.D. Dissertation: "The Neural Correlates of Endogenously Cued Covert Visuospatial Attentional Shifting in the Cue-Target Interval: An Electroencephalographic Study"

Topographical projection of a difference wave of left cue minus right cue for the N1
“This difference suggests that participants were focused on the cue and deriving meaning from it in preparation to shift attention based on that meaning.”

Components from Independent Component Analysis (ICA) that represent the N1 brainwave for right and left cue

Conference Poster: Modestino, E.J., & Bressler, S. L. (2009) Cue-Related Potentials in a Covert Visual Spatial Attentional Shifting Task. Society for Neuroscience Conference 2009: 188.14, Chicago, IL
Cognitive Neuroscience of Working Memory in ADHD: Research at The Bruce Steinberg EEG Laboratory at Curry College
“Collectively, these results indicate that pro-dopamine regulation with KB220Z improved working memory and prefrontal, neuropsychological function in conjunction with increased activation of brain regions known to manage executive function, working memory and retrieval of declarative information.” in ADHD.

Steinberg, B., Carey, E., Modestino, E.J., Lubar, J., Thanos, P.K, Baron, D., & Blum, K., (2019) Pro-dopamine regulation with KB220Z improves working memory in an adult with ADHD—A case report and replication. Open Journal of Clinical & Medical Case Reports. 5(2):1512.