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Neuropsychology of Parkinson's Disease

Neuropsychological measures in relation to H&Y Score of PD
Modestino, E.J., Reinhofer, A., Blum, K., Amenechi, C. & O’Toole, P. (2018). Hoehn and Yahr staging of Parkinson’s disease in relation to neuropsychological measures. Frontiers in Bioscience, 23(7), 1370–1379.

Neuropsychological measures in relation to side of onset of PD
Modestino, E. J., Amenechi, C., Reinhofer, A., & O’Toole, P. (2016). Side‐of‐onset of Parkinson’s disease in relation to neuropsychological measures. Brain and Behavior, 7(1).
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